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Grevents is a web application designed to strictly share bits of information between users. Visibility granted on each criteria (as they're called in Grevents) is specific to the relation between each user, whether they're "friends" or have upgraded their friendship to "irl."

There are five categories of criteria. Native criteria, native irl criteria, pseudonative criteria, pseudonative irl criteria, and finally, custom criteria.

Native criteria are based on questions pre-registered into Grevents, such as "First name." Their answers are visible to all your friends.

Native irl criteria are also based on questions pre-registered into Grevents, such as "Last name." Their answers are only visible to your friends upgraded to irl.

Pseudonative criteria are based on questions you create yourself before answering them. Their answers are visible to all your friends, just like native criteria.

Pseudonative irl criteria are also based on questions you create yourself before answering them. Their answers are only visible to your friends upgraded to irl, just like native irl criteria.

Custom criteria are based on questions you create yourself before answering them as well, just like pseudonative and pseudonative irl criteria. They differ in that you can manually select which friend to share them to, or choose to not share them and to keep these criteria for yourself if you so desire.

Grevents aims to be that one click you need on a loved one's profile to all the intelligence, trivial or essential, you need to remember at any random time from your friends and family.